
All Grounds, a leading landscaping management provider, built an internal software tool for managing operations which it wanted to productize and offer to external partners as SaaS.

All Grounds, a leading landscaping management provider, built an internal software tool for managing operations which it wanted to productize and offer to external partners as SaaS.


  • Pursue a new business strategy of productizing the internal software tool for landscaping management and offering it to other players in the field, while retaining years of data.


  • Re Architected the system, enabling multi-tenancy and multi-language support.
  • Migrated all data, including users and file attachments.
  • Developed multiple 3rd party integrations.


  • With the new mobile apps released to App Store and Google Play, partners can now track their work directly in the field.
  • Streamlined user acquisition made possible onboarding 300+ new partners.

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