
IDIQ required faster time to rapidly release and market their new products and features post acquisition by PE fund, Corsair Capital.

Their legacy monolithic system running on outdated infrastructure was slow to develop against and challenging for the team to support. 

A failed project to refactor the monolith prompted engagement with Proxet.


  1. Refactored flagship Monolith to Microservices on GCP. 
  2. Conduct PII, Security and performance assessment. 
  3. Created a partner integration solution for third party participants.
  4. Implemented a native mobile application, enabling real time communication, notifications.
  5. Built enhanced client onboarding functionality by providing educational content and additional product offerings based on user needs/preferences. 
  6. Redisgend existing site functionality into modular components, enabling white labeling capabilities for partners.  


  • Improved overall customer satisfaction with increased security, performance and call center experience.
  • Enabled a new revenue stream for IDIQ from third party referrals.
  • Opened new communication channels with end users and enabled an omnichannel client experience, increasing retention and product stickiness.
  • Enabled IDIQ to absorb additional product cross-selling opportunities.

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