
Proxet helps OneVision go beyond low-code, no-code, & achieve meaningful insights


  • “Protoduction” low-code/no-code stack meant any failure anywhere in the stack broke everything at once.
  • Scaling business was impossible.
  • Customer satisfaction was severely impacted by regular outages.
  • The payment system was equally impacted, affecting the ability to collect payments.


  • Re-architected the platform.
  • Paid off technical debt.
  • Enabled data-driven decision-making, enabling efficiency and profitability.


  • Reduced execution time between decision and implementation by 3x.
  • Launched the flagship product.
  • Dramatically improved partner experience, enabling the onboarding of hundreds of partners across the US.
Faster time between decision and implementation
Clients served, for millions of dollars in service revenue.

About One Vision

Smart home technology is changing how people live their lives. From video-enabled security systems to advanced thermostats and lighting controls to high-end theaters, homes keep getting smarter (and more complex) with each passing year. That’s why some Americans — especially high net-worth individuals — are increasingly reliant on smart home integrators for technology installation and support.

OneVision Resources helps smart home integrators unleash the revenue potential of their service departments to drive business growth. OneVision provides technical support, marketing, sales, training, recruiting, and other business services that allow integrators to stay focused on enabling smart homes. Smart home integrators have used the OneVision platform to support over 20,000 clients and generate millions of dollars in service revenue.

Here’s how OneVision partnered with Proxet to build a scalable tech-enabled service.

Why a low-code / no-code approach couldn’t scale

OneVision’s business model had evolved to include a scope of work that went beyond remote support. To keep pace with growing demand from smart home integrators and their clients, OneVision began utilizing a combination of off-the-shelf ticketing, incident response, subscription management, and customer feedback tools. “Our platform really expanded over the last six years to be a tech-enabled service,” said Joseph Kolchinsky, Founder, CEO at OneVision Resources. “We have a lot of technology that facilitates the experience for both our business partners and their consumer clients.”

Managing customer interactions and data in multiple systems led to incomplete insights and considerable complexity. OneVision tried bringing everything together with no-code/low-code solutions but still lacked a long-term fix to its data and technology challenges. “Keeping various data sets integrated and aggregated so we could run meaningful analysis and draw meaningful insights was next to impossible,” Kolchinsky said. Ongoing data reliability issues made it difficult for OneVision to demonstrate quantitative value to customers.

Partnering with Proxet for better technology, data, & insights

OneVision brought in Proxet to modernize its technology ecosystem and streamline data management without creating business interruptions. Within one year of working with Proxet, OneVision achieved a single source of truth, solved many data reliability issues, and replaced much of its no-code/low-code environment.

By the end of year two, OneVision had paid down technical debt and commenced work on platform expansion initiatives — all while continuing to handle thousands of emails and phone calls and processing millions of dollars in subscriptions. “In terms of engineering talent, Proxet was able to take us from zero to sixty very, very quickly,” Kolchinsky said.

Overcoming data and technology challenges with Proxet not only elevated OneVision’s service delivery — it also enabled key insights that are invaluable for customer acquisition and retention. “Data coming from our engineering work with Proxet is probably a third of my sales presentation and discussion. It plays a significant role and meaningfully changes the story you’re able to tell,” Kolchinsky said. “When you have real charts and real data to show, it allows you to retain your clients and demonstrate value more easily.”

It’s like hiring a technical co-founder (without giving up control)

OneVision’s ongoing collaboration with Proxet extends well beyond that of a traditional client-vendor relationship. In fact, Kolchinsky views Proxet as an integral part of the OneVision team.

“I don’t need to bring in a technical co-founder. I’ve got what feels like the equivalent in our partnership with Proxet — the level of care they bring, the expertise they have, and the ability to draw on that expertise across their organization,” Kolchinsky said.

For companies uncertain about partnering with engineering firms like Proxet, Kolchinsky offers a final piece of advice. “Take it from somebody who is a recovering micromanager and feared working with anyone on the outside,” Kolchinsky said. “Proxet is able to bridge that gap and operate as a member of your inside team.”

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